Friday, July 18, 2008

Waterpark with Gran and the Girls

This past Monday Gran and Pop were in town. Pop had to spend the day in the office with Jay and Granddaddy so Gran, the girls, and I took off to Whirlin Waters. Jay and I could never decide to get a pass for the summer or not and now I know it's not. There is no way I could have handled the two girls on my own and Georgia really isn't old enough yet to enjoy it. Next summer we'll definitely get a pass though. Katie Jo was very timid which is not like her at all. She wouldn't do any of the slides and played in the sprinklers the most. There is a big jungle gym area with water coming out everywhere and at the top is a huge bucket that slowly fills with water. When it reaches capacity is turns over drenching the whole gym and everyone standing nearby with water. I didn't realize this and Katie Jo and I were walking around looking when all the kids started to scream. We got out of the way just in time but it scared the jiminy crickets out of Katie Jo. When that water came pouring down and splashing towards us I turned around and saw her running behind me like she was being chased by a tidal wave. Needless to say she didn't want to go near the jungle gym again but we had to sit on the chairs nearby and watch the bucket fill and spill about ten more times. She did find sprayers that you can turn and push up and down. She really liked those especially when Gran or I let her get us wet.
I couldn't get Georgia away from the bottom of this slide. She wanted to crawl in so badly. Look at that cute tush hanging out!

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