Friday, July 18, 2008

Katie Jo's three year stats

We just had Katie Jo's three year check up last Wednesday and here's what we learned. She weighs 29 1/2 lbs and was 35 1/4 inches tall. This puts her in the 25th %tile for both. Thank goodness she didn't get any shots! I had Georgia with me too and that would have been quite a scene I'm sure.
The nurse asked her to do several things which Katie Jo was able to do. She was able to tell her her full name (I just practiced this with her not even a week before so I was glad she remembered what it was), she copied a circle the nurse drew, and told her her age. It was a successful visit.

1 comment:

Alli said...

Oh my word. Tate is 30 pounds now at 22 months! No wonder I'm having neck problems. :) Glad Katie Jo had a great check up! What a blessing.