Thursday, July 10, 2008

Georgia's One Year Old!

Well about a year ago right now I was settling into my hospital room with my new sweet girl. We named her Georgia Reese and she came into the world weighing a healthy 7 lbs and 12 oz. She was such a good baby from the start and she has proven to be a joy and an incredible addition to our all ready fabulous family! Georgia can be summed up in one word "SWEET." She smiles easily and is such an easy going girl. She has grown to love her mom and dad, her sister, and the dogs. She has a special bond with Katie Jo and the two of them have clicked from the start. Katie Jo was always aware of Georgia and made sure people noticed her when they came into the room. Even now she will introduce her to folks. The two of them play so well together and now they are interacting more and Georgia enjoys playing in Katie Jo's room the most. Georgia is also very sensitive. She doesn't like to see other people sad or gets upset if things start to get too loud or rowdy. She is a momma's girl and will still do a 180 with her head if she hears my voice in the room.
Georgia's personality is starting to come out and it's neat to hear her laugh out loud at things. She is really enjoying the dogs more and loves to crawl/chase Lexi around. She is also a very determined girl and this has been noticed by more than one person. If she wants it she'll go to all lengths to get it! She is also a climber. Way more than Katie Jo ever was. I will walk into a room and find her standing on a chair, in the middle of a table, or trying to use one piece of furniture to climb a top another one. She is already navigating the stairs up and down. We have lots of gates in the house as you can imagine.
She is also a good eater and except for yogurt in the morning she won't let us spoon feed her anymore. She has to use her hands and feed herself. Try to sneak a spoon full in and she will smack it away sending the contents flying all over!
Sleeping is still an issue and we've got it down to only one waking a night. She is still the lightest sleeper ever so we really do have to watch the noise during naps. Besides that she does take two good naps a day and goes to bed really easily. I can't complain except that I'd like to move on to sleeping a solid 8 hours!
I think that covers all the high points. Here are some pics from the past year.


Carly said...

Precious!! Happy Birthday, Georgia!

Alli said...

I can't believe it's been one year since I visited you in the hospital! I'm happy you have a healthy, sweet baby! You are a blessed woman with a wonderful family.

Amy Wallace said...

I cannot believe it has already been a year ???? You have 2 precious little girls!

Megan said...

Happy birthday, Georgia! I can't get over how much she's grown, but still looks just like herself in those precious baby pictures!