Friday, July 18, 2008

Granddaddy's visit

This past weekend Granddaddy came to town for business and got a lot more than he bargained for! On Saturday Jay and I had a wedding to attend so a couple hours after he arrived he got left with the two girls! They had a great time playing and doing who knows what else that I probably don't need to know about, and were both in bed when we got home. Nothing can beat free babysitting, especially when it's a grandparent.
On Sunday Aunt Joni came up and we all went to church together, hence the photos above. We had our patriotic service and man was it something else. We had the special speaker Clebe McClary and he was phenomenal! If you haven't heard his tale look him up and read about his inspiring story. It was a great service. Jay and his dad went out to play a round of golf and that night we had a little party for Georgia. Granddaddy had to leave Monday after meetings but he got lots of quality time in with us and the girls. Katie Jo loved riding on his shoulders and Georgia loved having him carry her around and sing to her. Mema, we missed you this go round!

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

I have heard him and he is AWESOME! Sounds like a fun water park trip! I would NEVER attempt it with the boy's you are alot braver than I!