Monday, January 05, 2009

Curly Sue Take Three

Well I finally figured out I can't do the Microsoft Word blogging and be able to have pictures because you have to use a photo host like Photobucket. I'm not getting into all that so I'll just deal with the "old way" of uploading the pictures through blogger. It's like having to use a rotary phone vs cordless!
Anyway, here is a cute picture of Georgia with all her after a bath, finger fluffed curls. It'll be interesting to see how long these stick around.


Kelly said...

Yeah, I got frustrated with the whole picture thing and until I figure it all out I'm old fashioned too. :-)
Love the curls!

April said...

Love the curls!! Have you tried Picasa. That's how I upload and edit photos. It's great!! There's also a button that says, "Blog This" and it will put your selected pictured into blogger on a new post. The only problem is that I can't figure out how to do more that 4 photos at a time. Each time you pick more photos, it puts them into a brand new post. I haven't had time to sit down and work out that kink, but it is super fast!