Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls, Girls, Girls

These are just some recent shots I've taken over the last couple of weeks. The above was taken by KJ of Georgia and I.
Can you tell which child thought I was leaving when I went out the front door? It is pretty funny looking with her finger in her nose though.
Georgia loves riding around on the plasma car that Santa brought her.
Sisters playing! I hope this is a common occurrence around our house.
Silly girl
Deep in thought
This one's a deep thinker too
Another shot of G girl and I courtesy of KJ. I wish you could zoom in on G's smirk. It has Jay written all over it!
KJ wanted a picture of she and G holding hands so bad. G wouldn't cooperate but it turned out to be a cute shot nonetheless.
Such sweet blue eyes. So deceiving!
Katie Jo was showing me that she was cold.
Notice the lips? Just another tumble in the life of G girl.
KJ is getting so big. I look at this shot and can't believe she'll be four in just a few months!

1 comment:

April said...

What if she was going to be 7 in a couple months. I goes by too fast!! Cute pictures!