Friday, January 16, 2009

Home Alone

I am home alone. Silence surrounds me. I came home from subbing, laid down for a nap, watched Grey's Anatomy on the computer and ate a bag of Chex Mix. Why? How? Because my girls have been shipped off to Gran and Pop's for the weekend! Jay took them this morning to Columbia where he met up with my mom and dad to drop the girls off.
Am I excited or what?!
Am I going to miss them? Yes.
Am I worried about them? No. I know that they will have a great time and I know they will be well fed, played with, and taken care of 1000%.
Jay and I wistfully talk of what it would be like to have grandparents near by to help us out occasionally. Just to have a break, run errands, get projects done, all without the business of caring for two little ones. We love our girls but goodness it gets hard to accomplish much around the house or for ourselves. So we finally have our chance this weekend. The good thing about not having grandparents close by is how much I appreciate a chance like this. Some people don't even have that so I am very grateful my girls will have a whole weekend of grandparent/family lovin.
I always loved when I taught and a student would share about spending time with their grandpa fishing or a day playing at grandma's. I know Jay and I both had so many experiences growing up where we spent time with our grandparents. Those are good memories and I'm glad for my girls to now get their chance.
So this weekend isn't just about our break but the girls having the opportunity to make memories with their grandparents. I love it! It's a win win situation.
So what do I do now? Maybe go out to eat and then a leisurely trip to Barnes and Noble where I can drink coffee and read magazines for hours. Maybe we'll just hang out here, order a pizza, and watch tv. Who knows? It's a wide open plan! I know this, I am going to try to do all the things I wouldn't normally be able to do. For that opportunity I am glad.


Megan said...

Ooh, we're having the same kind of weekend! Except that I shipped mine off yesterday morning and will head to the Upstate tomorrow. But two whole days and nights without them has been WONDERFUL!!! Enjoy your time with Jay and your quiet house!

Jenn said...

Ooh, I am jealous! Y'all have fun!

Our Tiger Cubs said...

Must be in the air...we've hired a sitter for 8 straight hours Sunday(our longest yet and most expensive) to go to a friend's to watch both games. :) (Basically so Austin can drink LBs and I can still nurse Mary Katherine and we don't have to break up fights over trains or deal with pet allergies)

If we had your long weekend, we'd do so many things! Movie, dinner just the two of us - oh, my! - sleep in, go to bed when we are tired, shower without anyone at our feet with train bath tub boys, go somewhere in the car without opening the side doors and breaking out the stroller, but it's probably for the best because our current children are what keeps us from making #4. (Yes, we are already ready again!) :)

Have a blast and let us know how it goes! We will never get that so we'll just live vicariously through you two!

Jess & Aus
(Be careful, #3 may come along in 9 months!) ha ha!

Alli said...

That's awesome! Enjoy!