Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Highlight from History

This was just a highlight from today but one of my favorite moments. When Rev. Lowery finished Katie Jo turned to me and said, "I liked when that man speaked." It has been a historic day and I wonder what she will remember: being told the tv would be on all morning and not tuned to Noggin, seeing all the people (1.4 million) waving American flags so fast it looked like a red blur on the screen, seeing President Obama speak and being shushed when she spoke above a whisper, or sitting on my lap to hear Rev. Lowery commanding the crowd to say "Amen."


Judy Johnson said...

This was a moment among moments and one that made me chuckle while a tear rolled down my cheek. I'm glad I lived to see such a day as this.

Jenn said...

I loved it when he told the crowd to say "Amen!" Sam was suprisingly okay with us watcing all the festivities instead of Clifford. Great picture!