Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A few more tid bits

This baby looks like she is ready to Rock N Roll! Lady if you take one more picture of me I will quite possibly bite!
Come on! Are there really even words for this photo. Click on it to get the large view and relish in all its girlish cuteness.

A blog I recently viewed had a picture of her child pitching a fit and I thought "Thank you for being real." So often our pictures can make our lives seem so perfect and our children so behaved. Maybe that's what people want to look at but I think it's nice to see some reality every once in awhile! :)
Just to keep a balance here is a picture of her not a minute later.
Is that a sneer I see?
I held the camera about 2 feet above my head to get this shot.
She was stretching, but in the photo it looks like she's doing the sprinkler move.


Brennan said...

Loved all the new posts. I do recognize K.J.'s expression too! Glad you are back online. Good luck with cooking. When I was able to go to real grocery stores, G got a lot of the Kids meals from the frozen section. Now we are reduced to P,B & J, mashed potatoes from the box and a foreign type of spaghettios until our food shipment arrives. B

Kelly said...

I love the "real" pictures of Georgia. We see those faces a lot in our house too! And the first one of her in the hat must be framed!