Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day with family

We had a great Labor Day weekend. We spent most of it visiting family, hanging out with good friends, and Jay got to go to the Clemson game on Monday.
The weather was great. Katie Jo got to finally spend some quality time outside. Here she is in Mia's backyard hanging out with her Daddy.We went by and visited with Grandmoney and Aunt Karen. Grandmoney played "Small World" on the piano for Katie Jo. KJ couldn't believe her ears when she figured out what she was playing. It is her favorite song and she request it EVERY time we get in the van.
Aunt Karen and Katie Jo hanging out. Katie Jo was trying to call China on Grandmoney's phone.
Everybody got some good Georgia time and she was a sweet as a peach. Here she is with Aunt Karen.
Pop and Katie Jo got to go outside a lot and play. This was my favorite shot.
Friday morning I dropped Jay by Pop's office and before they could get to work Katie Jo had to get in a little dancing time.
Pop also let Katie Jo play with her favorite office toy: the adding machine. She went through a whole roll of paper it seemed.
Pop and Georgia. He tried to teach her how to balance a check book but unfortunately found out she takes after her mother in that area!
When we got home Georgia was wiped out and had to take a nap.
Gran and Georgia had a little one on one time in the glider.

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