Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Day of School!

Today Katie Jo started Child's Day Out at our church again for the year. She goes on Tuesday's and Thursday's. She missed her first day since we were coming back from Lymania so today was her first official day. She was very excited and did everything I asked the first time after being reminded it was so we could "get to school." She has the same backpack from last year which probably helped her remember where she was going. A proper Southern mother would probably have gotten her a new one with her named monogrammed on it but this mother didn't.

I'm all ready! This was her reaction when she saw her Daddy coming down the stairs.

I asked her to stand beside the paw and give me a big smile. This is what I got!


Kelly said...

Too cute! I love that BIG smile!

Alli said...

Ava used the same backpack from last year too! You're right. I think it will probably help our girls with their transition back into school. Ava's is a Hello Kitty one. She picked all of the hairbows off of Hello Kitty last year, but it still works, ya know?! :)

The Browns said...

Too cute!

I left you a comment awhile back but it was during the email account theft fiasco. I just wanted you to know that I love reading your blog and checking in on your sweet family.

many blessings,
Jaime Brown