Saturday, September 08, 2007

Life in the fast lane

The Indigo Girls have a great line in one of their songs where they ask, "Why do we hurl ourselves through every inch of time and space?" If I could change the lyrics is would be "Why do others try to hurl us through every inch of time and space?" I was thinking today that when you have an event or accomplishment people always want to move you ahead to what's next. So with that in mind here is my list of "What's next" questions you always get. I hope I remember to let Katie Jo and Georgia always enjoy the moment.

In high school
"Where you gonna go to college?"

In college
"What you gonna major in?"

Upon graduation
"Where you gonna get a job?"

When you get a job
"How long you think you'll be here?"

When you're dating someone seriously
"When you gonna get engaged?"

When you get engaged
"When you gonna get married?"

When you get married
"When you gonna have children?"

When you have your first child
"When you gonna have the next one?"

Then it gets a little grey here since most people are too busy to be bothered.

When you retire
"What you gonna do with all that free time?"

I wonder if anyone who turned 100 ever got asked, "When you gonna die?"


Kelly said...

You know, I never thought of it that way, but that's the truth!

The Browns said...

That is so true! Great post.

Hey, Kelly and Amber, how do you know each other?

Kelly said...

I use to work with Amber's mom at FCMS and heard all about the fabulous Katie Jo! Plus, Judy just lives down the street from us. :-)